“Chanukah is supposed to be a joyous time. No one should be alone. Especially innocent children.”
Each year the Aleph Institute sends thousands of Chanukah toys to children whose parents were in the military or serving time in prison.
Join us in our month long drive, partnering with Jewish day schools, communities, and individuals across the United States to help collect Chanukah toys.
Want to contribute yourself? Choose to sponsor a gift from our amazon wish list.
Get your community involved! Host a charity drive
Or an event that can sponsor the Chanukah program.
Choose a location
Our soldiers are deployed around the world. Pick a location you’re interested in sending your chanukah gifts to.
Show you care
Write a special message from your community
Donated new children’s toys can be sent to:
The Aleph Institute
Family Services Office
543 Maple St. Suite #1
Brooklyn NY 11225