Menorah Behind Bars

- Reflections from Aleph Volunteer Bassy Frankforter It was trepidation and an overwhelming fear of the unknown that accompanied me on my visit to Danbury Federal Correctional Institute. I was entering uncharted territory, a place that has…

RV’s, Rabbis and Rosh Hashana

[fusion_text]The trailer was packed, and the gear was loaded. The three men jumped in, excited for the journey that lay ahead. Only they weren’t setting out on an ordinary camping trip. there would be no hikes or camp fires or beautiful sights…


When a husband goes to prison, everybody suffers. But unlike him or his children, his wife is not only traumatized. She is now also burdened with a seemingly-impossible task: to raise the children and simultaneously earn enough money to…


Approximately 100 Jewish service-members from the United States Armed Forces and Allied Forces attended Aleph’s 9th annual Military Chaplain/Lay Leader Training Course and Shabbaton in Florida this past February.  Attendees included…

Nearly 200 judges, prosecutors, lawyers and practitioners attend Aleph’s alternative sentencing summit at Georgetown

[fusion_text]WASHINGTON, D.C. - Over two-hundred state and federal judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, scholars and prison officials attended the first ever Alternative Sentencing Key Stakeholders Summit in March of this year, to advance…

For Children of Prisoners, Summer Camp Helps Them Feel Just Like Everyone Else

Anna Katz was at a loss. It was already June and the mother of three from northern California didn’t know how she would keep her kids busy all summer. After her husband made a bad business decision that landed him in prison in February 2014,…

A Quest to Visit Every Jewish Inmate in America

The mattresses had been much thinner and harder in his former prison, which lacked air-conditioning and was full of gang activity. So why did L.S. (who is currently serving time in Kansas) want to transfer back there? Because at that first…

Heroes of Hope Gala

[fusion_text]Los Angeles, CA - The Aleph Institute has released a video of acclaimed defense attorney Benjamin Brafman’s moving speech, at its first West Coast Gala, where Brafman was honored with the Champion of Hope Award. Founded by…

Project Tikvah

The Aleph Institute is pleased to announce receipt of a $250,000 Cutting Edge Grant from the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles (The Foundation) to support Project Tikvah, its innovative program that serves troubled youth facing incarceration…

Handcuffs Behind My Father’s Back

They understand the least yet often suffer the most. Children whose parents are in prison experience fear, confusion, shame, and isolation from situations completely out of their control and comprehension. With neither warning nor explanation,…